Sunday 10 May 2009

The Big Move

After five and a half years in our little flat and the arrival of our three boys, we have been blessed with a wonderful new three bedroom flat and have finally moved in. We're up to our armpits in boxes and bags so have weeks of sorting and organising to do, but are overjoyed to finally be in. I'll post a video tour and some photos early in the week - I've not found the box with the cameras in it yet.

Wednesday 11 March 2009

New Videos but not a lot else

It's been a bit loopy here lately with lots to do and getting ready to move. I have, however, stuck a few new videos on YouTube so have a look at the video bar over on the right for some amusing little clips.

Tuesday 2 December 2008


I did some finger painting with the boys a few weeks ago. Adam thought it was a lot of fun...

But Isaac wasn't so keen.

But they both enjoyed the bath afterwards.

Ben slept through the whole thing of course.

Sunday 9 November 2008

A bit of an update

It's been a bit of a manic couple of months here in the Porter Cupboard. I've barely had time to scratch my head, let alone write anything.

Isaac has started school, at the ripe old age of 3. His teachers are wonderful and he is really enjoying it. Tomorrow he will be staying for lunch after his usual morning session. Unfortunately it's chicken sausages and fruit salad, which may cause some upset, and it will be at least a week until chicken nuggets and ice cream are on the menu again.

Every afternoon Leigh asks him what he did at school. The conversation goes something like this:
Leigh: "What did you do at school today, Isaac?"
Isaac: "play."
Leigh: "who did you play with?"
Isaac: "Franco-cisco."
Leigh: "and what game did you and Francisco play?"
Isaac: "running around and falling over."

And thus ends the discourse. His teachers assure me that he plays with all the children and joins in with all the activities on offer every day, but clearly the real highlight is his little bit of rough and tumble with this small Portuguese boy.

Adam is finally beginning to communicate with us. He is signing a few signs, especially "all done" when he's finished eating and said "car" this week for the first time. Quite a milestone, as it's his first word other than "mumma" and "daddy." The poor little mite is also cutting his 2 year molars though, so has been in absolute agony at night. Hopefully they'll be through quickly and not cause him too much more pain.

Little Benjamin is still sleeping all night and feeding very well. He loves his toys and watching us going about our business and is very tolerant of his older brothers' antics.

Friday 8 August 2008

Adam hates the swimming pool

As a special treat, Leigh took Adam for his first visit to the swimming pool. He was, as he always is, very excited by the whole outing. Until his big toe hit the water. Then he wept inconsolably until it was over. Hopefully a few trips to Bishop's Park and some time splashing in the paddling pool will help him get used to the idea.

We're all quite exhausted from staying up too late and being woken in the night by hungry little Ben, but everything is fine. When the midwife visited on Tuesday, Ben had gained a little weight, which I find quite amazing at 5 days, when they've usually lost a fair bit. He'll be weighed again later today so we will see exactly how much he's been eating!

Monday 4 August 2008

Baby Porter finally arrives

After what has felt the longest 9 months of my life, our 3rd little blessing finally made an appearance on Thursday 31st of July. He was born in a birth pool and weighed in at a healthy 8lb 5oz and arrived in the world very peaceful and calm, and demanding food.
The labour (once it got going properly) wasn't too long and the birth was hard work, painful but without any complications or problems.

He's feeding well and last night slept for six hours straight. So long, in fact, that I woke up with a stiff neck, unused to such long periods of uninterrupted rest. He doesn't have a name yet, but we're working on it. Isaac is delighted with his new brother, and Adam thinks he's hilariously funny.