Tuesday 17 June 2008

A couple of pictures and news

It's been ages since I updated this, so I thought I'd take a the opportunity offered by Spongebob Squarepants and get something written.

The last couple of months have been quite exhausting. I'm now really very pregnant and the boys seem to be taking turns at screaming in the night due to teething pains and colds, but we're all okay. Just counting down the last few weeks before baby arrives and trying to get as much rest as possible with so many people around!

Isaac was found to have glue ear a couple of weeks ago, which will be followed up in the Autumn. It doesn't seem to have affected his speech development, although the speech and language therapist suggested getting a referral to the ear, nose and throat specialists as he seems quite nasal and congested. We'll see what they say.

Adam is now starting to let go when standing up holding things, but isn't quite confident enough to attempt a step yet. But he thoroughly enjoys sidestepping around the furniture and attempting to climb over anything and everything.

Isaac's also been a very brave boy lately, trying all sorts of new foods including raw red pepper, potato waffles and strawberries. He seems to be slowly overcoming his fears of new foods and is experimenting with the things the rest of the family are eating. The potato waffles were the biggest success so far, and one of the only things to have been swallowed, albeit with a generous topping of Marmite (his idea, not mine.) Having tried every other thing I can think of to get him to eat new foods with no success at all, I've resorted to just giving him what he will eat, and doing the best I can to get a relatively balanced diet down him with the help of Innocent fruit smoothies and Hovis. The biggest change is that the stress and angst has been removed from mealtimes, as when he turns his nose up at something new on his plate or refuses to eat something he's had twenty times before and enjoyed, we just say "oh, okay" and leave him to pick at his plate, only commenting when there is something positive to say. It seems that his attitude towards food has changed, as he now gets very interested in fruit and vegetables, asking for cucumber or peppers to be cut up for him to try and stealing baby plum tomatoes. I think Adam's healthy appetite has helped him a lot. Sticking a bit of something from Isaac's plate into his brother's mouth will often result in it all being eaten or at least tasted.

Anyway, enough about that. We've not had a lot of outings, so there aren't many new pictures as I don't tend to take them indoors. But this is a snap of Adam meeting a squirrel monkey at an animal place quite recently. He was extremely excited and cracked up laughing. Later that afternoon, Isaac met a talking parrot, which took him by surprise with a parroty "hello". Isaac didn't actually believe the parrot was talking, thinking it was all a bit of a practical joke!
We did manage to get to Bishop's Park with Papa too, and had a lot of fun. Adam slept most of the time though.

So this baby should be arriving sometime in the middle of July. I will upload pictures as soon as I can after the birth.